

Coding style (Linter)

The JavaScript files coding style is defined with eslint through the .eslintrc.js configuration file. It can be checked (e.g. prior to a commit) with the npm run eslint command. Notice that UD-Viz coding style uses a unix linebreak-style (aka LF as newline character).

Submitting an issue

  • Create an issue with explicit name and a description
  • Add at least one label of task category, priority and related package
  • If it's a bug report add steps to reproduce.

Submiting Pull Request (PR)

Prior to PR-submission

  • Commit (git commit) with representative messages (commit messages end-up collected in the PR message and eventually release explanations).

  • Make sure your code is mature for a review.

  • git rebase origin/master, in order to resolve merge conflicts to master. Doc : git-rebase. If you are not able to resolve all of the conflicts of your rebase, please open a new discussion.

    note that after a git rebase you have to git push --force

  • Make sure you properly installed the ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick dependencies

  • npm run eslint must finish with no errors.

  • npm run test-unit must finish with no errors.

  • npm run test-functional must finish with no errors.

  • npm audit must finish without vulnerabilities lower than high.

  • npm run test-links must finish with no errors.

    ⚠️ When your PR is open each push on your branch will trigger Travis CI jobs.

Refer here for more information about the above npm scripts.

Before submitting a pull request, and because UD-Viz still misses some tests, non-regression testing must be done manually. A developer must thus at least check that all the demo examples (they should function similar to their online deployment) are still effective.

Note this manual check implies the realisation of a mininal set of UI (user interface) manual interactions (as opposed to visually asserting that a given example landing page gets displayed) before considering that the manual testing is positive.

PR Submission

Once your PR is ready to be submitted here are the steps to follow:

  • Create a PR via the Github interface
  • Describe synthetically the PR via the title and the description
  • Add labels if necessary
  • Link the related issues. (The linked issues are automatically closed when the PR is rebased and merged)
  • Add one or more reviewers.
  • Iterate over potential change requests until the PR is approved.
  • Click on Rebase and merge button
  • Delete the branch


Running Puppeteer on WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux)

The doc:

How to solved:

  1. Installing Chrome on WSL to install all dependencies
  2. Installing required dependencies manually: sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libnotify-dev libgconf-2-4 libnss3 libxss1 libasound2.