

This document gives an overview of how the game part works. Here are some different implementations of the game part:


  • Run a back-end in node.js with express. See MDN DOC.
  • See here how to import @ud-viz/game_browser framework.

Creating a singleplayer simple game

The goal of this section is to learn how to set a singleplayer simple game structure:

Create a scene

Initialize a Planar part of @ud-viz/frame3d which creates a itowns PlanarView.

// Define geographic extent: CRS, min/max X, min/max Y
const extent = new udvizBrowser.itowns.Extent(

const frame3DPlanar = new frame3d.Planar(extent, {
  hasItownsControls: true,

Create a SinglePlanarProcess

Initialize a SinglePlanarProcess with a AssetManager and a InputManager part of @ud-viz/game_browser, an Object3D part of @ud-viz/game_shared defines your game model and SinglePlanarProcess is stepping your game over time.

const gameObject3D = new Object3D({
  static: true,

const game = new SinglePlanarProcess(
  new AssetManager(),
  new InputManager()


Add two types of script to your Object3D

A game is composed of two contexts Context (handle collisions, add/remove gameobject3D, process commands, trigger ScriptBase event, ...) part of @ud-viz/game_shared and Context (handle rendering, inputs of user, audio, trigger ScriptBase event, ...) part of @ud-viz/game_browser

The game part is divided into two context to handle a multiplayer game. Typically the game external context is running on the client side and the game context is running on the server side. In this example both context are running on the client side (ie your web browser)

const GameContextScript = class extends ScriptBase {
  init() {
    console.log('hello from game context');
  static get ID_SCRIPT() {
    return 'game_context_script';

const GameExternalContextScript = class extends ScriptBase {
  init() {
    console.log('hello from game external context ');
  static get ID_SCRIPT() {
    return 'game_external_context_script';

const gameObject3D = new Object3D({
  static: true,
  components: {
    GameScript: {
      scriptParams: [{ id: GameContextScript.ID_SCRIPT }],
    ExternalScript: {
      scriptParams: [{ id: GameExternalContextScript.ID_SCRIPT }],

const game = new SinglePlanarProcess(
  new AssetManager(),
  new InputManager(),
    gameScriptClass: [GameContextScript],
    externalGameScriptClass: [GameExternalContextScript],

Spawn cubes

In the init of GameContextScript add these lines

this.goCubes = [];
const extentCenter =;
setInterval(() => {
  const newGOCube = new Object3D({
    components: {
      Render: {
        idRenderData: 'cube',
        color: [Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), 1],

  const size = Math.random() * 200 + 50;
  newGOCube.scale.set(size, size, size);
}, 3000);

Move cubes and remove them

Add a tick method to your GameContextScript

tick() {
  for (let index = this.goCubes.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
    const cube = this.goCubes[index];
    cube.position.z += 0.1 * this.context.dt;
    cube.setOutdated(true);// notify game external context that this gameobject need update

    // sky is the limit
    if (cube.position.z > 2000) {
      this.goCubes.splice(index, 1);

Send command

Add in the init of GameExternalContextScript the following code

this.context.inputManager.addMouseCommand('command_id', 'click', () => {
  return new Command({
    type: 'toggle_pause',

Command is part of @ud-viz/game_shared

This sends a command on the mouse click to GameContextScript. Then in the init of GameContextScript add these lines:

this.pause = false;
setInterval(() => {
  if (this.pause) return;

In the tick of GameContextScript

tick() {

  this.applyCommandCallbackOf('toggle_pause', () => { this.pause = !this.pause })

  if (this.pause) return;

Now you have learned how to build a singleplayer simple game, let's see how to modify it to make a multiplayer one.

Create a multiplayer simple game (WIP)

1 Create a backend import udviz node with require as before run an express app running a http server Final result backend WIP

import game part of shared create a socket service by passsing the http server load gameobject3D where gameobject3D is the same one as the previous example the both script are unknown hard coded value of ids to keep it simple create another file gamethreadchild ok now you have to give the entry point to your thread the game script is the one running backend side copy paste it to your gamethread you have to give him the game script because he is going to run there replace udvizBrowser.Shared.Game by Game ouais backend okay

front end create a new html file base on previous one delete game script delete gameobject 3D Replace singleprocess by multiprocess create a socket io wrapper + connect it run enjoy


Singleplayer one:

This example requires knowledge about @ud-viz/game_shared and @ud-viz/game_browser

Multiplayer one:

This example requires the same knowledge as singleplayer plus @ud-viz/game_node